

Once I finished my "Cult" jacket I realized I really needed to make at least one accessory top to go underneath it! This looks really cute on it's own and even better with a different top over it. You will find these in the glove category and they come in 13 solid colors as well as three different floral patterns. I would love some input on what other accessory top's we are missing so feel free to leave me a comment. If you choose to recolor there is no mesh to leave out so as long as you give me credit and change it up a little I'm happy.


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  1. Hi. Regarding new accessory top ideas, I have a few. Perhaps a simple graphic tee (in Simlish, of course!). An undershirt version of your Helene sweater would be nice to have in game, as well. Anyways, I love your blog and have been downloading your content for a while now and I don't recall ever seeing a piece of your custom content I didn't like! Keep up the great work! xox
